Friday, October 18, 2013

Pokemon X!

This week (and probably for the next couple weeks) I am playing Pokemon X!

Before I say anything about the new game I just want to say that I have been playing Pokemon since 1998. My older cousin let me borrow it on Christmas (since the game had been out for a couple of months he had time to beat it) and at 8 years old I was hooked! For Christmas the following year I received Gold version from my parents - and enough christmas money to go out and buy the limited edition Gold/Silver gameboy color with Pikachu and Pichu on it. This was also the same year we obtained the N64 and I began my adventure/addiction with The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64. But I don't want to stray too far...

I was so young when I began playing Pokemon that I didn't really understand the game entirely and looking back at my old Red version years later to see pokemon named "Puppy" or "Cutie" made me laugh. Gold version was my favorite game despite my initial infatuation with Red. I was so excited to see Red hiding up in the mountain after I beat the elite four. It felt like I was in a way challenging myself. It was really meta looking back. This same year I met one of my best friends who I am still very good friends with and for her birthday (she reminds me that I promised her this if she would make me king of the tetherball court) I got her Crystal version. The first game you could choose to be a female in. We played pokemon all day together in school and often had sleepovers where we constantly got in trouble for staying up until 3 in the morning and playing together.

I wasn't as impressed with Ruby, Sapphire, & Emerald or Leaf Green & Fire Red. I played them because I didn't want to miss them but overall they are sort of weak games. This deterred me from Pokemon for a while and I picked up playing more Gamecube games like Super Mario Sunshine, Legend of Zelda: Windwaker, and Pikmin.

My sophmore year of high school Diamond and Pearl came out while I was in Hawaii with school and I was ecstatic! I went to the closest video game store (which was at this giant shopping mall on Oahu and a maze!) and bought it along with a DS. Diamond and Pearl was the best game ever for a long time for me. I loved all the new animation and features and pokemon. A group of friends that I had all got the game too and we EV trained teams and created a pokemon league. It was WAY nerdy but I loved every minute of it. When Heart Gold and Soul Silver came out I was again ecstatic - excited to relive and revisit my favorite game and good ol' Lugia. Platinum was another great game that I enjoyed replaying.

After high school I was really excited for Black and White. I showed up at Gamestop at the crack of dawn (to find only myself there for a time - I guess I was overly excited) and played it for about 2 weeks and stopped. Again, I was super excited for the new pokemon and the graphics and everything but something was missing for me. I still can't explain why but I just didn't enjoy Black and White. Of course, when Black and White 2 came out I didn't even buy them. I was disappointed with the first ones so why buy both?

Now, on to my main topic!
Pokemon X is THE BEST Pokemon game yet. I obviously have experience with each game and I am just getting my mind blown by every new feature. So many things in this game that were a common nuissance for me were cleared up. The EXP Share is by far my favorite thing about the new game. It's so easy to keep your party relatively the same level. And the fact that you can turn it off makes it all the more wonderful for building a pokemon up to the level ground of your team. First gen starters? Yes please! Not only do you get a brand new generation starter but you get to pick a classic one too!Roller skates are sweet, catching Eevee in the wild is amazing, and all the new pokemon are awesome. I don't care what Pokemon elitists think. Fairy-type is just so darn cute that I don't know what to do with myself when I see one. Gah!

I think I may have rambled. Well, this is a good stopping point I think. I will probably post a second post this weekend talking about some news and expressing thoughts about some new games coming out.

Stay tuned! If you like my blog make sure to keep reading and comment your love below!

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