Friday, October 25, 2013

Looking Back: The Legend of Zelda

Hello all!
This week I wanted to talk about one of my all time favorite games in existence.

Now. You are probably wondering. Which one?
My answer is all of them.

Just kidding. I hate Adventures of Link.

I have a subscription to Game Informer and before Skyward Sword came out they released an issue featuring the series and had an article about each game. As I read I got really excited about the new game coming out and also realized how many of them I hadn't played. I thought - I have a month to get through all the games. I began with the original Legend of Zelda which I had borrowed from a friend for the gameboy advanced.

This game was pretty hard for me because I was not used to that sort of gameplay. Obviously this game is heavily puzzle-based rather than combat which the newer games have a little bit more of. But after probably 2 hours in the last dungeon walking around in the darkness I found my way to the final room and beat the game.

Adventure of Link really held me up. I didn't like it at all and it took me some time to figure it out. I finally gave up... I know... I'm a failure.

I got through A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening pretty easily. Then I replayed Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.

I found that I was running out of time so I skipped the Oracles games and have yet to come back to them but I have them on my 3DS so I intend to play them someday. I played Four Swords with my friends, and replayed Windwaker.

I got Minish Cap on an emulator that would not save for some reason and decided to come back to it. I had missed Twilight Princess when it originally came out because I had to decide between that and Pokemon. My decision was Pokemon. When I played this -- I was taken aback by the amazing plot and features of the game. I regret picking Pokemon over this. Definitely a great game.

I got halfway through Phantom Hourglass when Skyward sword came out and I still have not touched Spirit Tracks. Skyward sword was an awesome game but I am upset that I have not finished it yet. When I was really busy with school I let a friend borrow it and haven't gotten it back. I know that it's not gone forever because the person who has it is my best friend. But I don't have a Wii anymore so playing it would be impossible anyways. I'll eventually get a Wii U once I move out and after I get the PS4 but for now I will just be sad.

Ocarina of Time quite literally changed my life. Without this game I think I would have given up on gaming a long time ago. It makes me so happy and helps me forget the adult things that people struggle with. I get to be a kid again when I play it and that's my favorite thing about it.

Well, that's it for me! Have a great weekend! If you like my blog subscribe or add to your reading list or favorite.. Whatever! Leave your love below! Or hate. I'm totally open to hate. Whatever....

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