Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Beginnings: Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Fable.

I decided to update a little early just to fill-in some stuff about me and all that.

Incase it was unclear why I want to write.

Like most gamers, (again I hesitate to use the word "hardcore" because I wouldn't describe myself this way) I grew up playing video games. I mostly played Nintendo systems up until my parents cracked and got the PS2 a year or so after it released after I insisted that we get one since my cousin had let me play Final Fantasy 7 one week when I stayed over.

Side note: My cousin and I were very close growing up and while I didn't see him often and he was a lot older than me we always bonded over video games. He was the major influence for me to play video games since my dad only liked racing games and my mom ONLY played Super Mario games.

So when I played Final Fantasy for the first time I was hooked. When I found out that FFX was out (or coming out?) I begged and pleaded that we get them. Insisting that it was a great system for racing games which pricked my dads attention. When we finally got one obviously the first game I borrowed from my cousin (because after all the whining they didn’t by me the game) was FFX and I played through it. Loving every moment of animation and soaking in the beautiful world. Then I discovered Kingdom Hearts. (*Note: I am being very careful to look up release dates of games as to not only avoid a lapse in memory but to make sure I have my timeline correct. There are so many games that I have played that I don’t want to butcher anything because I’m forgetful.*) Kingdom hearts was a great title for me because being raised in a somewhat controlling and conservative home Disney was often shoved down my throat. I won’t go so far as to say that I don’t enjoy Disney movies. But the combination of Disney into a serious teen-friendly game was perfect.  I never had to be nervous about what the characters would say and hope my mom didn’t hear.
When Xbox came out and released Fable, that was when I began the struggle with my parents. Fable wasn’t a gory game or violent or really inappropriate at all it just wasn't something my mom was comfortable with letting her daughter play. She wanted me to play more appropriate games. I stood my ground and continued to play games through high school. I played the sequels to games and new releases to some series. Eventually I got Halo 3 after a few guys around the neighborhood introduced me to the first two.
Anyways, this is all supposed to lead up to a introduction of my gaming history and now on to an introduction of ME! I really hate this part.
I'm 22-years-old as I've previously posted in my short introduction. I'm engaged to be married in January. Currently work as an assistant for an Interior Design company. I am also a writer for an up and coming company. Currently I am working solo on a script for a machinima. I also do some voice-acting for these small productions. Feel free to check out the youtube channel RoyalWe. Things have slowed down a little because we are all busy playing Pokemon and we all work fulltime since we are unable to create revenue so far. But we hope to one day open an office and work on short films and youtube series' fulltime.
It's exciting being apart of something that has generated so much success lately. I realize more and more how mainstream video games are becoming. I can't wait to one day give my child their first gameboy or 3ds and watch them experience playing pokemon for the first time and have (at least I hope) the same reverie and amazement that I did.

So! I think I'll leave this here. If you got questions - I got answers! Feel free to comment below. Thanks for reading!

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