Monday, May 19, 2014

YouTube News!

Hello Everyone! 
This week I will be posting twice! My first entry for the week is going to be about some upcoming stuff I wanted to mention that I'm really excited about! 

I have my own YouTube channel now! 
You can find me at or on twitter @NonsenseGamers

So, the layout of this channel is pretty simple. I have my show that will air on Tuesdays called "Whatcha' Gaming?" where I get people on to talk about what games they're playing, what games they want to play, and what their favorite games are! It's going to be a conversational video with many different types of people in and out of the industry. 

Our second video of the week will air on Friday's and it will be a weekly recap of video game news. We will be compiling information all week and then making a quick video about everything that's coming up so that you can keep up with the myriad of things that are going on. 

Over time we want to expand and do some more things with it and get more people involved but for now it is just me and my good friend Steven working on it. He's an indie video game developer and both of us have a lot of interest and investment in video games. 

You can check out our FIRST video this Tuesday ( 5/20/14 - time to be announced on our Twitter) and see if you like it! Please check us out and it would really mean a lot. If you are going to follow us on Twitter be sure to tweet at me! I'm super social so I always love connecting with new people. And maybe we can get you on for an interview!! 

Anyways, look out for my post this week! I am going to be talking about KRIS from Pokemon Crystal as the first part of my Fem Characters series. 

Thanks for reading and don't forget to follow me on Twitter @katieishh and subscribe to my blog.

See you soon!

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